Your Word for 2025 A friend asked me what word was I choosing to focus on in 2025. I hadn’t given it a thought, so I took a few minutes to ponder this new idea. After a minute, one word popped into my head. I replied, “Fearless!” I’ve always...
What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever been given? Mine didn’t come wrapped in shiny paper or tucked under the Christmas tree. It wasn’t from Santa, nor was it expensive or flashy. My favorite gift came from an unlikely place, born out of a messy accident and the...
As we enter into the final weeks of this difficult season of strained conversations and never-ending rhetoric, I think it’s important to remind ourselves what’s really at stake here. Ester Perel, a couples therapist said, “The quality of your relationships can...
Jack Canfield, author of the “Chicken Soup For The Soul” series coined the idea behind this formula. I use it every single day in my personal and professional life. If you can master this discipline, you will have a better life. Period. End of story. EVENT +...
A friend of mine with four daughters faced a dilemma. She was planning a trip to Spain, but she could only afford to take one. She confided in me that she was having a difficult time deciding which daughter to choose. After she had made her choice, I asked her what...