What’s Your Word For 2025:  Perspective and Fearless

What’s Your Word For 2025: Perspective and Fearless

Your Word for 2025 A friend asked me what word was I choosing to focus on in 2025. I hadn’t given it a thought, so I took a few minutes to ponder this new idea. After a minute, one word popped into my head. I replied, “Fearless!” I’ve always...
Politics, Communication, and Relationships

Politics, Communication, and Relationships

As we enter into the final weeks of this difficult season of strained conversations and never-ending rhetoric, I think it’s important to remind ourselves what’s really at stake here. Ester Perel, a couples therapist said, “The quality of your relationships can...
E + R = O:  This Formula Can Change Your Life and Our World

E + R = O: This Formula Can Change Your Life and Our World

Jack Canfield, author of the “Chicken Soup For The Soul” series coined the idea behind this formula.  I use it every single day in my personal and professional life.  If you can master this discipline, you will have a better life.  Period.  End of story. EVENT +...
Responsible Dialogue:  Why Now?

Responsible Dialogue: Why Now?

A friend of mine with four daughters faced a dilemma. She was planning a trip to Spain, but she could only afford to take one. She confided in me that she was having a difficult time deciding which daughter to choose. After she had made her choice, I asked her what...